Ayurveda Dietary Guidelines
What Ayurveda says about the role of food in maintenance of vigorous health?
There is an interesting and important episode described in the text of Ayurvedic Medicine while discussing with Rishi punarvasu -the author of “charak Samhita “ ,some Vaidyas ( Ayurveda doctors )raised the query “Ko ruka ?”( meaning who does not fall ill?)” somebody said-one who eats chyavanaprash every morning.”who takes Lavan Bhaskar and thriphala regularly”
Said some others. Eating chandravathi every day was described by another Vaidya as the source of health , finally the fundamental principle of natural maintenance of good health was expressed by vagbgatt as – “Hitbhuka,Mitbhuka,Ritbhuka.”hitbhuka means eat that which is nourishing for your health and don’t eat merely for taste.

Mitbhuka :means eat moderately (only that much which is essential for sustenance of the vitality and stamina of the body ).
Ritbhuka :means eat that which is earned prepared by righteous means and also what is suitable in a particular season .
Broadly speaking the above principles are not new to us .We all might had read or heard about these in one from or the other, but how many people (including ourselves)really pay due attention to these ?in view of the life -style adopted the gross and the subtle environment. We ought to be more careful about healthy food .This series is bringing us the pearls of knowledge from Ayurveda. The science of leading a long happy and healthful life , in the last issue we had mentioned about the twelve categories of naturally nourishing food as described in the charak Samhita , here we look at these in detail to have some practical tips on what should we eat every day and how eat well.
Twelve naturally nourishing food
1, Shuka grain
2, Shami grains
3. Kandamula
4, Phal
5, Shakas
6, Harit
7, Shuska
8, Ikshu
9, Ambu
11, Sneha
12, Krattana
Preventive care is taken as regards that taking healthy foods in the rainy season the winter would prove to be beneficial towards enhancing the vigour and health of the body .Ayurveda also puts the stress in spiritual effects of food .We shall prevent this information extracted from Vedic scriptures.If you would like to learn and know more the deep informations about the twelve categories of naturally nourishing foods then freely contact us .