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Breath is life. We can live for someday without any food or water, but we should die in minutes without breathing. But paradox we often do not pay attention enough to breathing properly .According to a yogi there are two main functions of proper breathing to bring more oxygen to the blood and to the brain, to control prana or vital energy that is important to control of the mind.

Pranayama is the science of breathing control consists of exercises especially intended to meet those needs and also to keep the body in good vibrant health.

The nadis are nerve channels or tubes to the astral body through which prana flows Asanas and Pranayama are designed to purify nadis. When they are blocked the Prana cannot flow freely and impacted for the poor health results. Yogic breathing or Pranayama revitalise the body steadiness, the emotional stability and creates great clarity to the mind. Before practising the exercises, you should be sure that you understand how to breathe correctly.

Firstly, the mindful inhaling that will make the diaphragm full. It will facilitate the flow of prana and ensure that there is space for expansion of the lungs. Then, the mindful breathing control with emphasis on exhaling that will help to relax some kind of tension or stress.. Most of us are only half breathers. In the strain circumstances of modern life that automatic breathing is not sufficient for our needs.So here we are going to to train you how to breathing correctly, a correct breathing technique that will fulfilling our balance life need.